28 Days to Hypnosis Success Videos
With - Richard Haggerty BA (Hons) C.Ht CMH DCMT MAPHP
This is a complete 28 Day Step by Step Guide to help existing Mind Therapy Practitioners to Take Their Success both in terms of Client Results and also Profits to the Next level.
Devised & Hosted by Richard Haggerty the details of the 28 Lesson’s which will lead to you being eligible for the Practitioners Diploma in Rapid Instant Change Hypnosis = R.I.C.H. follow after this introduction to the course by Hypnotist Jonathan Royle.
Foreword by Dr. Jonathan Royle
I first met Richard over a decade ago and was instantly impressed with his obvious skill, expertise and commitment to learning. Fast forward to 2017 and he has produced something I’ve never seen the like of and that I am proud to recommend wholeheartedly to anyone serious about filling gaps in their understanding of hypnosis, NLP and marketing -‐ and is serious about moving on from being a hobbyist to making a decent living changing lives for the better.
When I watched Richard delivering these video modules live on Facebook, I could tell by day #5 that this was a product that would change lives and approached him to ask if he would share his insights with my students. His style is fast and engaging. Coaches, therapists and hypnotists who want to get more clients, be more successful and make life easier would do well to commit to finishing all of these in order.
I have over 30+ years of products in my Elite Hypnosis Bootcamp, and Richard has produced something so foundational that whatever else you study will make a lot more sense.
Want to know how to do niche marketing? He will show you. Need confidence with presentations? Richard will teach you how to deliver these, overcome any fear of public speaking and install the success patterns unconsciously.
I tell all my students, “Use the media for free marketing. Get coverage in the papers, radio and TV.” It’s not difficult, it really isn’t! Richard will show you how to overcome any fears, excuses, doubts or worries you had, and write a draft release in under 20 minutes.
Not sure you can stand out from the crowd with content? He has a module on becoming a hypno history expert. He also uses his experience working in a registered clinical trials unit to bring you the latest research on the Placebo Effect. This is very relevant -‐ so relevant -‐ to what you do, if you have ever heard me lecture on the subject of why hypnosis works, then you will understand why.
Richard ends the course with an injunction to consider a new definition of hypnosis. Pay close attention.
Did I mention he has created a unique system to ensure you get consistency with clients every time? You will be able to use the Rapid Instant Change Hypnosis R.I.C.H. logo once you complete the course -‐ in all your marketing. This is a sign of quality and he is committed to delivering more than the customer or client could ever expect. So will you by the time you have finished this; you are free to use this logo in all your marketing when you have purchased & studied this package..
Richard is an amazing teacher and presenter, who has trained personally with both co-‐ developers of NLP, John Grinder and Richard Bandler. In 2004, he was awarded NLP Trainer’s Training Certification with John Overdurf and Julie Silverthorn – as well as certification as a Master Hypnotherapist the same year. Since then he has gone from strength to strength. You now have 20+ years of training experience, thousands of client contact hours distilled down into a single motivational course.
Did I mention he also delivers 3 blistering NLP Masterclasses that are completely unique? I daresay you will learn more on these than on most traditional courses.
This is the single best primer for helping people become successful in their hypnosis business. As a member of my Elite Hypnosis Bootcamp, Richard always has questions and is seeking faster, easier way to do things, and has this energy and will to combine all his expertise in NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis, direct hypnosis, customer service delivery, project management and eLearning experience together.
Richard’s insistence on always acting in the customer’s best interest by adding value will shift your mindset, transform your reality, remove any stress and doubt and turn therapy sessions into a much more enjoyable experience. His undisputed reputation for customer service excellence from an earlier IT career comes through in every lesson.
He will show you how to go beyond technique to a place of strategy, principles and values. When you come from absolute certainty, you change your world. As you change your world, you automatically change the world of your clients.
Make a commitment. Make a public commitment to finishing R.I.C.H. Be accountable and, 28 days from now, you will be looking back and identify this as the seminal moment.
Watch this. Listen. Learn. And you will discover you have a new-‐found confidence. When you delve into any other marketing, NLP and hypnosis materials, you will have a framework that makes a difference.
No one else has an approach to the Hypnotic Consultation like Richard. The attitude he teaches is counter-‐intuitive (“I never try to sell”) but the evidence is in the results he gets and the fees he commands.
Learn from this. Use it. Make more money, enjoy your work and get far more reliable results with your clients.
Part One = How To Increase Fees And What That Helps Get Better Results With Clients = 72 Minutes.
Part Two = How To Develop Instant Confidence Whilst You Watch & Learn = 40 Minutes.
Part Three = What REALLY Happens In Stage Hypnosis And How To Apply Those Principles In Therapy For Total Rapid Success = 54 Minutes.
Part Four = How to Get Compliance Elegantly in ALL Your Clients! = 58 Minutes.
Part Five = Why The Power is Within You Is A Masterclass In Hypnosis And NLP = 72 Minutes.
Part Six = A Road Map Of All The Terrain Hypnotherapists Need To Navigate = 73 Minutes.
Part Seven = NLP Masterclass (Part 1) = 99 Minutes.
Part Eight = NLP Masterclass (Part 2) - Master Hypnotic Language = 88 Minutes.
Part Nine = The Success Mindset = 125 Minutes.
Part Ten = The Complete Rapid Instant Change Hypnosis System (RICH) = 112 Minutes.
Part Eleven = The Absolute and Immediate Life-Changing Power of Questions = 146 Minutes.
Part Twelve = The Client Journey = 86 Minutes.
Part Thirteen = Adding Extreme Positive Value = 95 Minutes,
Part Fourteen = How To Conduct The Perfect Consultation Every Time = 92 Minutes.
Part Fifteen = How To Run The Perfect Hypnosis Session Every Time = 108 Minutes.
Part Sixteen = Hypnotic Convincers = 120 Minutes.
Part Seventeen = Hypnotic Storytelling = 118 Minutes.
Part Eighteen = Content Free Therapy = 87 Minutes.
Part Nineteen = NLP Masterclass (Part 3) Anchoring = 143 Minutes.
Part Twenty = 12 Principles That Together Amplify Rapid Instant Change Hypnosis (RICH) = 117 Minutes.
Part Twenty-One = Niche Marketing Secrets = 101 Minutes.
Part Twenty – Two = Presenting Lecture Demos = 114 Minutes.
Part Twenty – Three = Press Releases = 102 Minutes.
Part Twenty-Four = How To Create Online Products = 134 Minutes.
Part Twenty – Five = The Power of Checklists = 106 Minutes.
Part Twenty – Six = Hypnosis History Magic = 114 Minutes.
Part Twenty-Seven = The Power of the Placebo = 115 Minutes.
Part Twenty – Eight = A Unified Theory of Hypnosis = 153 Minutes.
REMEMBER = Within this bumper download package you will get access to each of the 28 Step by Step Instructional Videos along with Audio MP3 Versions of each training session together with Clear Photo Images of the Flip Chart Images used in the sessions and a detailed large format course notes manual.
R.I.C.H. = Rapid Instant Change Hypnosis is the approach that you will be able to earn Your Practitioner Diploma in (and gain permission to also use the R.I.C.H. Logo) by studying the contents of this package. The certification is Approved, Endorsed and Accredited by The Mind-Care Organisation UK, The United Kingdom Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy (UKBCH) – The Association of Complete Mind Therapists (ACMT) – The Association of Professional Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists (APHP) and of course the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) among numerous other highly respected Professional Organizations.
Retails at $797 which is LESS THAN $17 per Hour of Training.
For the past 17 years, I have been coaching, training and seeing hundreds of hypnotherapy clients, attending courses and constantly studying everything I can related to hypnosis, coaching and NLP, as well as racking up thousands of contact hours with clients.
What surprised me in the real world -‐ beyond how well techniques work -‐ is how often they don’t, at least not the way they were taught. There always seemed to be variables that came into play.
This both frustrated and intrigued me. What frustrated me was that I could see that I had to work very hard to get certain changes and that I would only become successful by studying marketing, something I had no background in when I started. For the longest time, I did the same stuff most therapists do – with scattergun results. What intrigued me was the question to find the Holy Grail of hypnosis: the technique, the skill, the confidence that would elevate me to the esteemed and hallowed level that surrounds the legends of the “big names”.
Eventually, I got to the point that every client I know who successfully made a change has gotten to, which is to say “enough is enough” and I joined Alex William Smith aka Jonathan Royle’s Elite Hypnosis Bootcamp.
Once I came up for air after seeing all the seminars and information he had made available, I wasn’t just excited: I was like a kid in a candy store. Here was something I could get my teeth into. Here was the information I craved.
As I watched There’s Still No Such Thing As Hypnosis, I immediately felt like a veil, a great illusion had been lifted. Like discovering the Wizard of Oz was a man who hid behind a curtain, I could suddenly see more clearly what worked in hypnosis and why, as well as some of the best marketing advice from one of the most pro-‐active and absolutely knowledgeable people you will ever meet in the hypnosis field. All of a sudden, things made sense.
Alex has lived hypnosis: a career in stage hypnosis, regularly been featured on live TV, and is the ‘Barnum of Hypnosis’ with ever-‐more elaborate marketing stunts. Unusually, for someone so successful, he is down to earth, accessible, has a deep a commitment to his students and freely shares his “success secrets”. You know he is rooting for you and the client – even if it means being very direct and uncompromising in explaining why things work the way they do.
But I had a problem! Now I had a ton of material from 17 years, as well as all of Alex/Jonathan’s materials, and I needed to survey the territory and build a map I could follow – in order to be able to distil and absorb it. This map needed large flip chart paper to be comprehensive enough for me to draw it (and eventually it would run to almost 80 pages).
In October 2017, I attended the “Royle Event” in Birmingham, organized by TV celebrity coach Steve Miller and Presented by Jonathan Royle, and I came back totally energized.
My map finally fell into place after that weekend -‐ and I felt inspired to share my insights with other coaches and therapists, who told me they felt stuck and were experiencing the very same problems I had over the years.
I started delivering a live video course, with a commitment to do one a day every day for 28 days, a commitment so huge and that demanded so much energy that it tapped deep into my subconscious.
After 5 days, I was asked if I would like to turn this into a product for hypnotists and therapists all over the world.
This was a massive commitment: over 47 hours of video content in total.
On average, I spent 5 hours a day pulling out from the depths of my unconscious those processes I did well but had never formally articulated – as well as pulling together research I had access to from colleagues and researchers at Cardiff University.
My aim was this: help colleagues grow in confidence and build a network where we support each other, raise standards and get even more consistent results. I wanted to cover those topics and skills that really mattered including:
Absolute confidence in the consultation
Ensuring you always have the “right client” which means making sure they are responsive, committed and motivated before they ever arrive
Confidence in public speaking (how to prepare a lecture demo that delivers)
Absolute confidence writing a press release
Becoming a hypno history expert
The latest research and scientific papers that no other hypnotist was talking about or who had obvious access to (I did through Cardiff University)
3 NLP Masterclasses including how to go behind traditional anchoring so you can use this conversationally. The ‘revivification’ process is arguably more powerful than even Erickson’s approach because it is quick and reliable
How to develop your own therapy, including branding, logo and website – all for under $40. This is one of the most important things you will ever do. This will help you build a solid trust in yourself and, eventually, move beyond your original training.
In my experience, hypnotists only have two problems in business: not valuing their unique experiences enough and the massive value they bring (because they think they ‘should’ be, do or act a certain way) -‐ and impotent marketing. In truth, this shows up as procrastination. The remedy is a system that creates consistency through ritual.
Using my experience with conversational hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP, I created a course that constantly nudges your unconscious mind to keep you motivated to learn more, try more and become more successful. I also use hypnosis to keep you inspired, connected to the material and in the best state to learn. I promise you that this contains all the things I do myself, the parts of hypnosis and NLP that I have found most effective and transformative. This is, if you will, the 80/20 of what’s most effective in hypnosis and NLP.
I have structured this course with powerful suggestions and metaphors for your unconscious mind, so you become more motivated, focused and develop even greater belief with every viewing. I want you to become your own guru. I want you to develop your own brand. I want you to serve niches that you are emotionally connected to. I want to come on your training in the future, to your lecture demos and see your success in the press.
Because there is no shortage of clients for us all to serve.
As Alex Smith aka Jonathan Royle likes to say, “Knowledge without action is worthless. Everything I share with you only has relevance when you take action.”
Retails at $797 which is LESS THAN $17 per Hour of Training.
IMPORTANT = This entire “28 Days to Hypnosis” package is just one of the many items that you can find inside the Members Area of my “Elite Hypnosis Bootcamp” as per https://sellfy.com/jonathanroyle/p/S7Py/
WARNING = As Richard so correctly pointed out earlier, Success if achieved by Taking Action and in that regards, when you take action now you can secure Membership to my “Elite Hypnosis Bootcamp” (which includes 28 days to Hypnosis Success) for a massive discount as explained at this link: