Starting from:


Overcoming Phone & Device Addiction

60% of U.S. college students believe they have a cell phone addiction.


About 71% of people sleep with their phones nearby.


Plus, 35% of people wake up thinking about their phones-


only 10% of people think of their significant others first.

Many people feel as though they can not stay away from their phones for too long.


It is important to reflect on how much time you are putting into your cell phone use.

With this guide you will learn how to minimize your phone addiction so you can maximize creativity, increase productivity, and get back time.

Topics covered include:

How to beat cell phone addiction

10 different signs of cell phone addiction

How to notice phone addiction in others

Why you should build connections with real people

Why social media is so addictive

5 reasons why putting your phone away for 24 hours is healthy

Tips to avoid checking your phone too much

Why you want to step away from social media

Ways to avoid phone addiction

Resources to assist with phone addiction

What to do if your teen is addicted to their phone

The importance of limiting screen time


Why you don’t want to use your phone in bed

And much more!

This bumper package includes an Instructional Manual PDF Ebook along with numerous educational Audio MP3 recordings and eye opening training videos that between them will give you all the Techniques and Resources you will need to help yourself and/or your clients to overcome their Phone & Device Addictions.

The entire package comes with LEGAL RESALE RIGHTS meaning that you are given Legal Permission to sell this bumper package to your own Clients and Customers and keep 100% of the Profits you generate.

You can of course also give it to your Hypnotherapy Clients as a Bonus Back up Package when they come to you for Hypnosis to overcome their Phone and/or Device Addictions.

Heck we even include ready made sales letters and website page designs to help get you started earning money from selling this package as rapidly as possible.

Special Limited Time Introductory offer price of just $47




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